Now is the time for peace of mind. Even more so if there is too much on your mind or misfortune strikes.
Peace of mind “is a feeling of calm or not being worried” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. Merriam-Webster describes it as “a feeling of being safe or protected”. Both definitions refer to one’s mental state rather than any disturbance of the peace. Nuance aside, the linguists thus agree that one can have peace of mind even during a threat and after injury. No less significant, both definitions refer to a feeling as the basis for the fact of having peace of mind.
This website is built for and named after you. From day one, you grow to become master of your life. As captain, you are in charge. You may even have a crew at your command. But no one bosses you around anymore. In other words, anyone may be as harmful or helpful as they can. But you decide how to proceed. This website highlights useful tools for achieving peace of mind. These are the key words:
Authentic | Aware | Belief | Body | Brain | Calm | Choice | Connect | Conscious | Desire | Dream | Ease | Ecology | Emotion | Empathy | Fact | Faith | Feel | Free | Good | Heal | Horizon | Infinite | Intent | Introspect | Intuition | Journal | Lucid | Matter | Mellow | Mind | Play | Psyche | Reason | Science | Self | Sense | Sleep | Soul | Spirit | Think | Tranquil | Value | Whole | Will | Zen
You get an initial sense of what is proposed by matching these words with your understanding of what they represent. Beware of confusion, because the content of words changes with time and culture. What are the odds that a listener receives the precise message that the speaker sent? This is one reason why a speaker often adds a phrase like “if you know what I mean” to a statement.
Awareness is the sum of information that your body gathers through the senses.
Adding to the classic five senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch) neuroscientists identify beyond thirty sensory systems. For instance, you have a sense of balance and spatial orientation (equilibrioception). Then you have a joint position sense and joint motion sense (proprioception). And you have sense of time (chronoception). These examples set the traditional ‘sixth sense’ apart as a form of intuition.
Consciousness is what your brain makes from awareness. And then some.
The brain is the physical agent of the non-physical mind. In other words, the mind is the mental and metaphysical counterpart of the brain. Consciousness is not some supernatural stuff floating in the cosmos. Conscious experience is a metaphysical state of mind and its corresponding physical state of brain.
Awareness and consciousness are not part of the brain. They are what the brain can do. The mind is more or less aware and conscious.
You may encounter awareness and consciousness as if they would be interchangeable. That is just sloppy understanding. The mere existence of the collocation “conscious awareness” shows otherwise:
While consciousness is your truly unique first-person experience, awareness connects multiple minds and nature.
Words are carriers of information between minds, as are non-verbal signals such as a mere gesture or glance.
Keeping notes of your observations, decisions and accomplishments helps to make better choices instead of repeating failures. This journaling practice also frees up memory for recollections that lift up your spirits in hard times.
Do not despair, because no one but you will be checking what you choose to write, amend, delete or keep. You will find out what serves you well after a while.
There are no limits to awareness and consciousness. There are only horizons of time and space. What is beyond a horizon can be imagined but not seen.
The future is a time horizon. It behaves like a rainbow. You can see but you can’t go to where the mythical gold is hidden.
The past is the other time horizon. It behaves like a cloud. You can experience what occurs since your first day. All else is veiled. It is history as shown by more or less reliable sources.
Science is two horizons of space. One talks about the outer limit of the knowable universe, because not enough time would have passed for information to reach us. The other tells about the inner limit of matter, because every reductionist path reaches a dead end.
Reduction is the explanation of a complex phenomenon as the outcome of simpler natural processes. When no more reduction appears possible, science declares an elementary particle (or -charge, field, force, et cetera). Such fundamentals are thought to have no parts within.
This is where science and religion meet. An unquestioning belief in elementary particles makes one a fundamentalist, not much different from the unquestioning belief in some or other Almighty.
At the same time, science meets spirituality. The acquisition of knowledge (awareness) literally is an inspirational path to the acquisition of wisdom (consciousness). There is little doubt about the reality of the spirit of a law, or team spirit as examples.
You are free to limit your understanding of consciousness to nature. You are equally free to believe that some supernatural force must be at work in your mind.
Suffice to say here that barely enough awareness and imperfect consciousness, already help ease most of your (inner) troubles and find peace of mind. As a bonus, it will make you a nicer person to get along with.
“Bad fortune is fickle. Perhaps it will come, perhaps not; in the meantime it is not. So look forward to better things.” – Seneca minor
“The fool, with all his other faults, has this also, he is always getting ready to live.” – Epicurus
When you feel like peace of mind should be yours, then think about calling or sending a message to us.